Friday 3 December 2010

film review - empire

This is an extract from Empire magazine. I have done this as a screenshot to show the planning that has been done for the magazine review that I decided to do. This Magazine article is quite basic and simplistic due to it being a magazine which attracts readers that are more mainstream. This is different to sight and sound which attracts more of a film literate reader. I decided not to use this film magazine layout due to it being too simplistic and i found sight and sound having more detail which i found relevant for my film. Sight and Sound normally reviews independent films rather than Empire which reviews more mainstream films.

film review - total film

This extract is from total film magazine. total film is like empire magazine when it comes to the audience. The audience of total film do not take an educated approach to films and are more interested in blockbusters rather than the independent films. I decided not to take the approach of Total Film for the same reason as why i decided against using empire magazine format.

magazine review- sight and sound

this is a review on the american from sight and sound magazine. i have annotated the review to highlight some of the conventions of the magazine. these include :
-no star rating
- no certificate
-reference to classic films
- complex
- articulate
- long detailed sections

Monday 22 November 2010

story board


change of idea

I have decided to change my story due to the fact that I had created the story and taken ideas from other stories and videos. the story was not developing well. It didn't have a incident which would interest an audience. I decided to change into another group and I am now working with Bianca Goldman on a Hospital drama. The story is called the window. Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room with a hospital window. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour a day to drain the fluids from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The one that sits by the window tells the man all the things that he can see outside the window. In the middle of the night the man who sits up starts to choke and the other man hears but falls back to bed. The man dies and then the other man moves to the window and looks out there is just a brick wall out of the windown. The story is actually called the hospital window

Friday 1 October 2010

short stories

A Short story which I liked was
This story is easy and simple. It is for children and has only 4 character but one doesn't have to be shown due to the fact that it is a postman who is just pushing letters through a door

2. click on this to see the story
Sweet Love Story

A short story which I thought was a good idea to do. The narrative is Boy meets girl.Boy proposes to girl. Boy goes away for a long time. Girl writes a letter to boy and a few years later boy sends girl a wedding invitation and girl is broken hearted. Very few characters and only two settings to film in. Romantic film which attracts a lot of teenage girls and women because it is a sob story.

3. First Love
Film idea comes from a short film which I analysed to do with short films. It is called Apricot. It is about a girl talking to a guy about first love and first kiss. The guy at first is a stranger who is sitting at the same table as the girl and just starts asking her questions about first love and first kiss. She sees what happens in her mind and her dream comes to reality. He is writing notes about what she is saying. At the end they find out that her first love was the guy she is talking to years later. The characters are the girl and the guy 2 people when they are older and two when they are younger. scene 1 is filmed in cafe and her dream is filmed in a field with her and 2 of her friends and this guy watching her . This is a romantic film which has an aspect of suspense as we don't know who this guy is till the end

Thursday 16 September 2010

Three Directors that I liked

Baz Luhrmann
Romeo and Juliet is my favourite Baz Luhrmann film
Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet (properly titled William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet) takes the play and deposits it in a modern Verona Beach that is part decaying Miami and part Mexico City.The film is beautifully shot with vivid and bizarre sets. Luhrmann makes the Capulets ball a glitzy affair with every frame dripping wealth. The music is loud and the pace fast. The frenetic camerawork drives the audience through the film as the ill-fated pair hurtles towards their doom. Luhrmann's flamboyant direction pumps new life into a well-known, much-adapted tale.
Adam Shankman
This director creates films that are entertaining and interesting to watch. My favourite films of his is A Walk to Remember. I must admit - my skepticism was extremely high upon first hearing about this movie. I queried myself as to the necessity of watching yet another "teenage love story". However, upon a friend's recommendation, I decided to give it a go, and realized that movie was simply incredible ! It made you cry and it made you laugh but all in all it was a truly amazing film not only having some incredible actors and actresses but being a film that you will remember for a very long time

Nick Cassavetes
This director directs films that are both heart renching and make you think. One of my favourite films of all time is The Notebook. I absolutely Loved this movie! I'd have to say one of the best love stories I've ever watched. It is a very moving and heart renching film and also one which I can honestly say made me cry

Short Films

Information about short films
Short films are more popular than ever before. Many countries now have a regular short film program on television, shorts appear in almost every major international film festival and hundreds of festivals specifically dedicated to short films are appearing all around the world.

Who watches short films?
It attracts a young and enthusiastic audience at the forefront of the film industry. These are people who appreciate the fundamental qualities of the short film: brief, dynamic and exciting.

Who makes short films ?
Short films are a training ground for film students but also many famous film-makers make short films throughout their careers. Examples of directors who make short films are Hal Hartley, Mike Leigh, Aki Kaurismäki, Jan Troell to name but a few.

making a short film tutorial

A short film that I liked

This film is called apricot and written & directed by Ben Briand. This is a very passionate short film. I loved how this mezmorizes and draws you right into a dream like state and then puts you back into reality. The colours of the film are quite light and natural . The music is soothing and feels like it is meant to send you to sleep. The music comes in when you see what happens when this girl was younger. You know the time has changed because the picture is more mystic. This film is about someones first love and first kiss and telling someone in a cafe all about it.

Research into films and different stylistic technique

What is an auteur ?

An auteur is a director who has a signature style to a film. The film reflects that of the directors personal creative vision. It is french for author and an autuer is a producer with a significant and lasting contribution to cinema. All the directors work is very unique.

Steven Speilberg is an auteur due to the fact that he has a very unique sense of film making. His filmaking is not only powerful but you can remember what happened in his films even after you have seen them once. He has produced 164 films, written 23 films and and directed 49.

Here is a link to a video about why steven spielberg is an auteur from american teenager. The video is on youtube and shows the great contributions steven spielberg gives to the film industry

What is Cinema Verite?

Cinema Verite in french means truthful cinema. It is a a style of documentary film making. The films are a mixture of naturalistic with stylistic cinematic devices such as Films made in this genre usually have none of the above. Cinema verite films are usually shot with light, easily portable, inexpensive equipment, hand-held cameras, actual locations, real people (not actors) and a relatively small budget. The films are usually shot without a script and assembled later in editing.

this is a video of film cinema verite by peter wintonick's

What is Avant- Garde film

Avant Garde film is an experimental film or a modern film. These films will have very shocking things happen in them to wake or shake the audience into thinking about the films.

Waltz with Bashir is a avant garde film due to the fact that it is documentary stlye but it is also animated. It is an israel film and it depicts the directors search for lost memories in the lebanon war of 1982. It shocks your brain into thinking deeper into the subject that is being created.

Here is the trailer for it. It is in hebrew and it has english subtitles

What is film noir?

Film noir basically translates at black film or cinema. It is a term first written by Nino frank in 1946 about how dark, down beat and black many American crime and detective films were at that time. film noir is a movie that is marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, menace, and cynical characters.

This is a tribute to film noir by someone on youtube that I found quite interesting

What is french new wave about ?

French new wave is a style in films that rejects the classical cinematic form. In the films there is a lot of long tracking shots, improvised dialogue, rapid changes of scene and the 360 degree rule is broken. The camera was there to play with the expectaations of cinema . These films were filmed on a tight budget and normally in a friends back yard or front room

This is a tribute to french new wave.

Another Interesting thing is that the founding father, Claude Chabrol died last sunday at the age of 80
here is a link to an article about him

Film research

This short film is called Post-it-Love
It is produced by Elizabeth Gower and Lucy Gossage
It is a Romantic Comedy
It is placed in a dead sterile enviroment which is quite the opposite to romance and love. This is a binary opposite which is a term coined by Levi Strauss
The music is suitable for the genre because it sounds like love but also there is a military aspect of it.
The narrative is boy meets girl