Thursday 16 September 2010

Research into films and different stylistic technique

What is an auteur ?

An auteur is a director who has a signature style to a film. The film reflects that of the directors personal creative vision. It is french for author and an autuer is a producer with a significant and lasting contribution to cinema. All the directors work is very unique.

Steven Speilberg is an auteur due to the fact that he has a very unique sense of film making. His filmaking is not only powerful but you can remember what happened in his films even after you have seen them once. He has produced 164 films, written 23 films and and directed 49.

Here is a link to a video about why steven spielberg is an auteur from american teenager. The video is on youtube and shows the great contributions steven spielberg gives to the film industry

What is Cinema Verite?

Cinema Verite in french means truthful cinema. It is a a style of documentary film making. The films are a mixture of naturalistic with stylistic cinematic devices such as Films made in this genre usually have none of the above. Cinema verite films are usually shot with light, easily portable, inexpensive equipment, hand-held cameras, actual locations, real people (not actors) and a relatively small budget. The films are usually shot without a script and assembled later in editing.

this is a video of film cinema verite by peter wintonick's

What is Avant- Garde film

Avant Garde film is an experimental film or a modern film. These films will have very shocking things happen in them to wake or shake the audience into thinking about the films.

Waltz with Bashir is a avant garde film due to the fact that it is documentary stlye but it is also animated. It is an israel film and it depicts the directors search for lost memories in the lebanon war of 1982. It shocks your brain into thinking deeper into the subject that is being created.

Here is the trailer for it. It is in hebrew and it has english subtitles

What is film noir?

Film noir basically translates at black film or cinema. It is a term first written by Nino frank in 1946 about how dark, down beat and black many American crime and detective films were at that time. film noir is a movie that is marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, menace, and cynical characters.

This is a tribute to film noir by someone on youtube that I found quite interesting

What is french new wave about ?

French new wave is a style in films that rejects the classical cinematic form. In the films there is a lot of long tracking shots, improvised dialogue, rapid changes of scene and the 360 degree rule is broken. The camera was there to play with the expectaations of cinema . These films were filmed on a tight budget and normally in a friends back yard or front room

This is a tribute to french new wave.

Another Interesting thing is that the founding father, Claude Chabrol died last sunday at the age of 80
here is a link to an article about him

Film research

This short film is called Post-it-Love
It is produced by Elizabeth Gower and Lucy Gossage
It is a Romantic Comedy
It is placed in a dead sterile enviroment which is quite the opposite to romance and love. This is a binary opposite which is a term coined by Levi Strauss
The music is suitable for the genre because it sounds like love but also there is a military aspect of it.
The narrative is boy meets girl

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