Friday 1 October 2010

short stories

A Short story which I liked was
This story is easy and simple. It is for children and has only 4 character but one doesn't have to be shown due to the fact that it is a postman who is just pushing letters through a door

2. click on this to see the story
Sweet Love Story

A short story which I thought was a good idea to do. The narrative is Boy meets girl.Boy proposes to girl. Boy goes away for a long time. Girl writes a letter to boy and a few years later boy sends girl a wedding invitation and girl is broken hearted. Very few characters and only two settings to film in. Romantic film which attracts a lot of teenage girls and women because it is a sob story.

3. First Love
Film idea comes from a short film which I analysed to do with short films. It is called Apricot. It is about a girl talking to a guy about first love and first kiss. The guy at first is a stranger who is sitting at the same table as the girl and just starts asking her questions about first love and first kiss. She sees what happens in her mind and her dream comes to reality. He is writing notes about what she is saying. At the end they find out that her first love was the guy she is talking to years later. The characters are the girl and the guy 2 people when they are older and two when they are younger. scene 1 is filmed in cafe and her dream is filmed in a field with her and 2 of her friends and this guy watching her . This is a romantic film which has an aspect of suspense as we don't know who this guy is till the end

1 comment:

  1. The following is what you need to do to improve your blog:
    1. Film style videos should all be the same size(see me or Craig if you need help with this).
    2. Directors section needs finishing, perhaps with a couple of lines about your favourite films of theirs.
    3. The short film analysis is done well but you need to do at least 2 more.
    4. 3 stories need to be found and analysed.
    Please come and see me if you'd like any extra help or if any of this is unclear.
